It's only been two days, but it feels like we've been here in MICA for quite awhile, though not in a bad way. The campus is relatively empty as school doesn't start till later next week, but the people we've met have been very friendly and helpful.
We were invited to the wedding of the director's daughter last night, and while we felt pretty much like unwelcome visitors initially, we felt right at home once the faculty started coming up to us, and when Amit and Sumit came by.
The super-stamina musicians.
With all the colors and chattering of an Indian wedding.
The walkway to the wedding wonderland.
Color is obviously huge here. The more, the merrier.
A group shot of (l-r) Amit, myself, Sumit, Kash, Erwin and Nuria.
Heading out for hot masala tea in the chilly night.
Check out my amount of layers!
We bumped into Sumit and Amit at Chotta, the 24-hour cafe on campus, and we had crazy talk over hot masala tea in the chilly night.
Taking an auto (or what is pretty much like Bangkok's tuk-tuks) back to campus after a day shopping in Ahmedabad city.
Spot Erwin and I.
Found us?
We're getting along just fine. No desire to murder each other yet, haha.
Camel crossing.
The driver.
Gamely posing for us.
That's Sumit, watching the setting sun.
Driving (recklessly) off into the sunset.
MICA sunset.
While waiting for Nuria and Amit to join us back at the campus, Sumit read our palms. According to him, I think a lot (can't argue that), will marry a husband who is better looking than me, have one marriage and one child, to whom I'd be an over-protective mother. Hmm. And yes, he said that I'd have heart complications later in life. Sheesh. Maybe I should drink more red wine.
On a different note, the director's dog Roxy roams the campus freely, which ain't good news for me, especially as it's a full-grown German Sheperd. However, I managed to get around the fear to sit with Amit in the chilly evening with the dog between us as we contemplated religion and yoga. Not bad an improvement huh?